Ambulantis 32 Jahre Erfahrung

The value-driven care provider that focuses on people

At Ambu­lan­tis, our goal is to enab­le peop­le with our care and sup­port to lead a ful­fil­ling life in their own home. To this end, we stri­ve to pro­vi­de all-round nur­sing care at our loca­ti­ons, inclu­ding out­pa­ti­ent care at home, day care, assis­ted living and nur­sing home com­mu­nities.

As a value-dri­ven care pro­vi­der, we align our actions with the three cor­po­ra­te values of appre­cia­ti­on, care and par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on, which app­ly both to our cus­to­mers and, in par­ti­cu­lar, to the approx. 500 employees as the heart and soul of Ambulantis.

We are there for you wherever you need us

Care in Shared Apartments

Every cus­to­mer has a sin­gle room, which he can use as a retre­at. The com­mu­nal life takes place in a living area and is sup­por­ted by our loving care team. We are hap­py to sup­port you in ever­y­day life, the room in a shared apart­ment is ren­ted out by the respec­ti­ve pro­per­ty owner.

Assisted living

Assis­ted living offers the advan­ta­ges and auto­no­my of your own, indi­vi­du­al­ly desi­gned, bar­ri­er-free apart­ment in com­bi­na­ti­on with exten­si­ve offers for nur­sing help and social par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on. We are hap­py to sup­port you in ever­y­day life, the apart­ment is ren­ted out by the respec­ti­ve pro­per­ty owner.

At home

A very com­mon wish in old age is to “stay at home” in your own four walls. We ensu­re that pro­fes­sio­nal and loving care takes place in your fami­li­ar sur­roun­dings and can the­re­fo­re in many cases per­ma­nent­ly ful­fill this wish.

An Overview of our Care Services

Feel cared for and at home with our care ser­vices. We are hap­py to pro­vi­de an over­view of our offer here; You can also con­ta­ct us at any time if you have any questions.

Basic Care

Basic care is body-rela­ted and inclu­des non-medi­cal acti­vi­ties such as per­so­nal hygie­ne, mobi­li­ty and nut­ri­ti­on. Our loving and reli­able nur­sing staff will pro­vi­de you with the fol­lowing ser­vices as part of basic care:
Per­so­nal hygie­ne, exer­cise, nut­ri­ti­on, incon­ti­nence care, pro­phy­la­xis, assi­s­tance with empty­ing the blad­der and bowel, beds and camps and much more.

Cost Information

For peop­le in need of care, the long-term care insuran­ce fund usual­ly takes on most of the basic care ser­vices wit­hin the frame­work of the non-cash bene­fits bud­get accord­ing to Sec­tion 36 of the Social Code Book XI. How much bud­get you have avail­ab­le depends on your level of care. In indi­vi­du­al cases, we will be hap­py to advi­se you and deter­mi­ne for you whe­ther the care ser­vices you have cho­sen are cove­r­ed by the care insuran­ce or whe­ther addi­tio­nal pay­ments are necessary. 

Treatment Care

Tre­at­ment care can be pro­vi­ded by spe­cial­ly trai­ned nur­sing staff, e.g. at home or in day care, and inclu­des all medi­cal mea­su­res pre­scri­bed by a doc­tor, such as:

  • Blood pres­su­re control
  • Blood sugar control
  • Sub­cu­ta­ne­ous injec­tions (e.g. insu­lin, Clexane)
  • Set­ting up and admi­nis­te­ring medication
  • Anle­gen von Wund- oder Stützverbänden
  • Put on and take off com­pres­si­on stockings
  • Medi­cal liniments
  • Infu­si­ons etc.
Cost Information

The cos­ts for the use of medi­cal ser­vices are bor­ne by the health insuran­ce in the con­text of home nur­sing accord­ing to §37 SGBV. The pre­re­qui­si­te is the pre­scrip­ti­on of the ser­vices by a doc­tor — a level of care is not necessa­ry. For the pati­ent the­re are only small addi­tio­nal cos­ts of 10 € per quar­ter for the medi­cal prescription 


Domestic care essen­ti­al­ly inclu­des all domestic help in the area of the per­son in need of care. Our clea­ning staff, some of whom have been spe­cial­ly trai­ned, pro­vi­de the fol­lowing ser­vices, among others:

  • Shop­ping
  • Vacu­um and dust cleaning
  • Stairs sweeping
  • Gar­ba­ge disposal
  • Bathroom clea­ning
  • Laund­ry making
Cost Information

Domestic care can be pro­vi­ded, among other things, wit­hin the frame­work of the non-cash bene­fit bud­get or the reli­ef and care ser­vices. In both cases, the long-term care insuran­ce covers almost all of the cos­ts — a requi­re­ment is pro­of of the need for long-term care. In indi­vi­du­al cases, we will be hap­py to advi­se you and deter­mi­ne for you whe­ther the care ser­vices you have cho­sen are cove­r­ed by the care insuran­ce or whe­ther addi­tio­nal pay­ments are necessary.

Day Care

The cus­to­mers are cared for in the day care from morning to after­noon while you other­wi­se stay in your own four walls. In terms of con­tent, in addi­ti­on to high-qua­li­ty nur­sing care by trai­ned spe­cia­list staff, the focus is on sup­port and social par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on. Our caring nur­sing staff works out crea­ti­ve and socia­ble care offers for you every day and orga­ni­zes ever­ything from the inclu­ded pick-up and deli­very ser­vice to the pro­vi­si­on of meals.

Cost Information

The day care visits are cove­r­ed by the care insuran­ce accord­ing to dai­ly rates wit­hin the frame­work of the dai­ly care bud­get accord­ing to §41 SGB XI — the pre­re­qui­si­te is pro­of of the need for care. How much bud­get you have avail­ab­le depends on your level of care. In indi­vi­du­al cases, we will be hap­py to advi­se you and deter­mi­ne for you whe­ther the care ser­vices you have cho­sen are cove­r­ed by the care insuran­ce and which addi­tio­nal pay­ments will be necessa­ry. Important: The dai­ly care bud­get is in addi­ti­on to that for care at home and can be used in full without off­set­ting the former.

Relief Services / General Support

In accordance with our basic value of care, we stri­ve for exten­si­ve all-round care for our cus­to­mers. This often also inclu­des gene­ral reli­ef and assi­s­tance in ever­y­day life, such as:

  • Orga­niz­a­ti­on of purchasing,
  • Orga­niz­a­ti­on and / or sup­port during visits to the doctor,
  • Help with ope­ning / rea­ding the mail
  • Sup­port with care requests,
  • Orga­niz­a­ti­on of a home emer­gen­cy call sys­tem, etc.
Cost Information

We see many ser­vices in the con­text of con­sul­ting and orga­niz­a­ti­on as self-evi­dent ser­vices. In addi­ti­on, all tho­se in need of care are enti­t­led to a detail­ed con­sul­ta­ti­on every six mon­ths to three mon­ths, the cos­ts of which are cove­r­ed by the long-term care insuran­ce. You can also claim fur­ther bene­fits, such as visits to the aut­ho­ri­ties, trips to doc­tors, etc. via a mon­th­ly bud­get of € 125 through the long-term care insuran­ce — the pre­re­qui­si­te is pro­of of the need for long-term care.

Vacation and Prevention Care

As the name “vaca­ti­on and pre­ven­ti­ve care” sug­gests, this bud­get is used to replace the carer in the absence of a pro­fes­sio­nal care faci­li­ty. This sub­sti­tu­te care can be pro­vi­ded by a care ser­vice on an hour­ly basis (e.g. if dai­ly pro­fes­sio­nal life pre­vents ade­qua­te care during working days) or for several days to weeks at a time if the carer is away, for examp­le. In the­se cases you can ent­rust the per­son in need of care to our loving and pro­fes­sio­nal nur­sing staff. We sup­port you in all are­as of dai­ly life from per­so­nal hygie­ne and care to house­hold services.

Cost Information

A sepa­ra­te bud­get of 1,612 EUR per year is avail­ab­le to tho­se in need of care for vaca­ti­on and pre­ven­ti­on care. This can even be incre­a­sed up to EUR 2,418 — the pre­re­qui­si­te is pro­of of the need for care. In indi­vi­du­al cases, we will be hap­py to advi­se you and deter­mi­ne for you whe­ther the care ser­vices you have cho­sen are cove­r­ed by the care insuran­ce or whe­ther addi­tio­nal pay­ments are necessary.

The Ambulantis Locations

Ambulantis Pflegegruppe

Man­fred-von-Richt­ho­fen-Str. 4
12101 Ber­lin
Pho­ne: 030/78894437

Location Impuls — Berlin
Outpatient Nursing Service impulse
Contact: Thomas A. Brandenstein

Schloß­stra­ße 5
13507 Ber­lin
Pho­ne: 030/40309900
Fax: 030/40309916

‍Residential Community in Charlottenburg

Kai­ser­damm 113
14057 Ber­lin
Pho­ne: 030/40309900

‍Residential Community Pankow 1

Neue Schön­hol­zer Str. 11
13187 Ber­lin
Pho­ne: 030/40309900

‍Residential Community Pankow 2

Neue Schön­hol­zer Str. 11
13187 Ber­lin
Pho­ne: 030/40309900

Location Hameyer — Wismar
Ambulatory Care Service Hameyer
Contact: Dörte Pukowski

Lüb­sche Stra­ße 185a
23966 Wis­mar
Pho­ne: 03841/211423
Fax: 03841/333978

Nursing Home Hameyer 1

Groß­schmie­de­stra­ße 11–17
23966 Wis­mar
Pho­ne: 03841/211423

Nursing Home Hameyer 2

Groß­schmie­de­stra­ße 11–17
23966 Wis­mar
Pho­ne: 03841/211423

Assisted Living Hameyer

Groß­schmie­de­stra­ße 11–17
23966 Wis­mar
Pho­ne: 03841/211423

Day Care Hameyer

Groß­schmie­de­stra­ße 11–17
23966 Wis­mar
Pho­ne: 03841/211423

‍Living Care Hameyer

Stör­te­be­cker­stra­ße 2b
23966 Wis­mar
Pho­ne: 03841/211423

Location Kohler — Schwerin
Ambulatory Care Service Kohler
Contact: Philipp Ostrowitzki

Ham­bur­ger Allee 130
19063 Schwe­rin
Pho­ne: 0385/2013216
Fax: 0385/2013218

Day Care Kohler

Am Platz der Frei­heit
Lübe­cker Str. 106
19053 Schwe­rin
Pho­ne: 0385/2013216

Location Ohnesorge — Leipzig
Ambulatory Care Service Ohnsorge
Contact: Marcel Stabenow

Brei­ten­fel­der Stra­ße 38/40 (rear buil­ding)
04155 Leip­zig
Pho­ne: 0341–59 02 990
E‑mail: info@s‑

Short Term Care Sine Cura

Brei­ten­fel­der Stra­ße 35
04155 Leip­zig
Pho­ne: 0341–58 61 66 00

Location Cottbus

You can request infor­ma­ti­on about the loca­ti­on direct­ly on the Ambu­lan­tis website:

Location Oldenburg

You can request infor­ma­ti­on about the loca­ti­on direct­ly on the Ambu­lan­tis website:

Care Degree Calculator


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