Dr. Medimentum 15 Jahre Erfahrung

medi­men­tum is a spe­cia­list medi­cal infor­ma­ti­on and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on por­tal for doc­tors, pati­ents and com­pa­nies in the medi­cal sec­tor. medi­men­tum com­bi­nes infor­ma­ti­on and tele­me­di­ci­ne and impro­ves com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on bet­ween doc­tor and patient.


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Three models of printed vending machines from the manufacturer Risto.

This is how we close the supply gap in care facilities

The auto­ma­ti­on of care offers an approach to com­ple­ment the pre­ca­rious staff den­si­ty in nur­sing and old people’s homes. Ris­to food boxes enab­le food sup­pliers to sta­ti­on their goods direct­ly at the customer’s pre­mi­ses. Resi­dents can…