Clinic for Gynecology with a Center for Oncological Surgery 27 Jahre Erfahrung

Head: Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Jalid Sehouli

Cli­nic direc­tor of the Cli­nic for Gyneco­lo­gy with the Cen­ter for Onco­lo­gi­cal Sur­gery on the Virch­ow-Kli­ni­kum campus

Dear Pati­ent,

a gyneco­lo­gi­cal dise­a­se and its tre­at­ment rai­ses many ques­ti­ons and usual­ly pres­ents tho­se affec­ted and their fami­lies with very chal­len­ging situa­tions that have to be mas­te­red. In addi­ti­on to modern medi­cal tre­at­ment — based on the latest stu­dy results — the women’s cli­nic offers you and your rela­ti­ves a wide ran­ge of sup­port in coope­ra­ti­on with our coope­ra­ti­on part­ners. This should help you in chal­len­ging situa­tions to sup­port the cour­se of the the­ra­py and to impro­ve your qua­li­ty of life and well-being. 

Yours Jalid Sehouli

Our expertise

  • Fallo­pian tube, ova­ri­an and peri­to­ne­um cancer
  • Ute­ri­ne body cancer
  • cer­vical cancer
  • Endo­me­trio­sis
  • Fibro­ids (benign tumor)
  • Gyneco­lo­gi­cal malignancies
  • Sar­co­mas and rare tumors
  • Fer­ti­li­ty and cancer
  • Fami­li­al breast and ova­ri­an cancer
  • Tumor fol­low-up
  • Dys­pla­si­as
  • Pedia­tric gynecology
  • Office hys­tero­sco­py
  • Second opi­ni­on service


  • Gyneco­lo­gi­cal Tumor Cen­ter (DKG-cer­ti­fied)
  • Euro­pean Com­pe­tence Cen­ter for Ova­ri­an Can­cer (EKZE)
  • Endo­me­trio­sis Cen­ter (Level III)


  • Seni­or phy­si­ci­ans: PD Dr. med. Mual­lem, Prof. Dr. med. Mat­thi­as David, Dr. med. Che­kerov, PD Dr. med. Pietz­ner, Dr. med. Inci
  • Sta­ti­on 35, Mit­tel­al­lee 9, Cam­pus Virchow-Klinikum
  • Out­pa­ti­ent cli­nic: Gyneco­lo­gi­cal out­pa­ti­ent cli­nic & out­pa­ti­ent spe­cia­list medi­cal care (ASV), Mit­tel­al­lee 9, Cam­pus Virchow-Klinikum

Scientific focus

In the women’s cli­nics, sci­en­tists from the cli­ni­cal and expe­ri­men­tal rese­arch are­as work clo­se­ly tog­e­ther. The aim is the tre­at­ment of pati­ents accor­ding to the latest sta­te of sci­ence and the mer­ging of basic sci­ence and therapy.

  • Fallo­pian tube, ova­ri­an and peri­to­ne­um can­cer, ute­ri­ne body can­cer, cer­vical cancer
  • Cli­ni­cal health ser­vices rese­arch, qua­li­ty of life and pati­ent-rele­vant outcomes
  • Endo­me­trio­sis

Study center

The stu­dy cen­ter of the women’s cli­nic offers pati­ents the oppor­tu­ni­ty to par­ti­ci­pa­te in sel­ec­ted cli­ni­cal stu­dies as part of their treatment. 

Pho­ne: +49 30 450 664 408




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