Three models of printed vending machines from the manufacturer Risto.

This is how we close the supply gap in care facilities

The auto­ma­ti­on of care offers an approach to com­ple­ment the pre­ca­rious staff den­si­ty in nur­sing and old peo­p­le’s homes. Ris­to food boxes enable food sup­pli­ers to sta­ti­on their goods direct­ly at the cus­to­mer’s pre­mi­ses. Resi­dents can obtain fresh, chil­led food, as requi­red, from a Ris­to Food-Box ven­ding machine. 

medimentum Health Food — health-conscious nutrition in homes

medi­ment­um­He­alth­Food offers seni­or and care faci­li­ties that set up food ven­ding machi­nes to fill the food boxes with a diver­se and gent­le ran­ge, which can have a sup­port­i­ve effect on dise­a­ses such as dia­be­tes, can­cer or long-Covid. 

The varied menus from medi­ment­um­He­alth­Food can easi­ly be pre­pared by the resi­dents of the home in a warm water bath, wit­hout access to the kit­chen. This reli­e­ves the staff and the resi­dents expe­ri­ence new, enjoya­ble and indi­vi­du­al tas­te expe­ri­en­ces every day.

The Risto Food Box and its functions

Ris­to has been a renow­ned com­pa­ny sin­ce 2000, manu­fac­tu­ring and sel­ling sta­tio­na­ry coo­ling sys­tems, milk tanks, milk tubs, pas­teu­ri­zers, milk ven­ding machi­nes, ven­ding machi­nes and mini dai­ries. Your ven­ding machi­nes can be used around the clock, are ref­ri­ge­ra­ted, have a high-qua­li­ty finish, are ener­gy-effi­ci­ent, can be expan­ded in modu­les and are easy to install, fill and operate.

Pro­ducts can be offe­red on up to eight spe­cia­list flo­ors with up to ten chan­nels per flo­or. The mul­ti-zone coo­ling can be adjus­ted from two to 15 degrees Cel­si­us. The LED light­ing is pro­gramma­ble, the pri­ce clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on free­ly sel­ec­ta­ble. The pro­duct lift dis­pen­ses goods in FIFO (First In First Out) mode. Expi­ra­ti­on dates are moni­torable. The power con­sump­ti­on is 0.25 kW/h at an out­side tem­pe­ra­tu­re of 20 degrees Cel­si­us and requi­res a mains vol­ta­ge of 230V, 50Hz. A Ris­to food box mea­su­res 183 cm x 80.3 cm x 97 cm (H/W/D), the glass front 116.9 cm x 71.4 cm (H/W), with an emp­ty weight of 386 kg.

The food box can also be con­fi­gu­red for out­door use and is pro­vi­ded with frost pro­tec­tion down to ‑30 degrees. Seve­ral machi­nes can be con­nec­ted tog­e­ther. If desi­red, each machi­ne can be moni­to­red using a smart­phone. Com­mon pay­ment models such as cash or card as well as access rest­ric­tions can be set up.

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